Love Won: 50 Years of Pride (London) Greeting Cards (Pack of 10)

Love Won: 50 Years of Pride (London) Greeting Cards (Pack of 10)
Love Won: 50 Years of Pride (London) Greeting Cards (Pack of 10)
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Load image into Gallery viewer, Love Won: 50 Years of Pride (London) Greeting Cards (Pack of 10)

Regular price £25.00

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These pieces are to honor the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, which were- in many ways- the birth of the modern gay rights movement.  It's dedicated to 50 years of heroes who fought- and even died- so those of us who came after could have better lives.

This year the world was set to celebrate this huge milestone in Pride festivals around the globe, but because of COVID the festivals have largely been cancelled.  I wanted to make this in hopes of bringing some Pride into the homes of those who are feeling that loss right now.


These greetings cards are printed on high-quality 330gsm Fedrigoni card and feature Stephen's "Love Won: 50 Years of Pride (London)" piece!

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